Welcome to blog of lurik-pedan. Here we provide a variety of Pedan's weaving products, already well known throughout the archipelago and worlwide. In addition to producing fabrics with traditional motifs, we also produce ethnic motifs from different areas but we still maintain the Pedan typical. weaving centers in the Pedan Village, about 10 kilometers from the city of Klaten. District of Klaten make Pedan as places to fabrics dan fashion tour.
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Jl. Dr. Kusumaatmaja SH No. 15 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel. (62-21) 314-3169 Fax (62-21) 335-390
Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. 10-1 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-4719, 525-4809 Fax (62-21) 525-4654
Embassy of the Republic of Argentina
Menara Mulia Building,
19th floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11 Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 526-5661, 526-5662 Fax (62-21) 526-5664
Embassy of Australia
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C15-16 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tel (62-21) 2550-5555 Fax (62-21) 522-7101, 526-1690
Web Site http://www.austembjak.or.id
Embassy of Austria
Jl. Diponegoro No. 44 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 338-090, 338-101 Fax (62-21) 390-4927
E-mail auambjak@rad.net.id
Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Jl. Denpasar Raya No. 3 Blok A13 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-1986, 522-1574 / 526-1807
E-mail bdootjak@rad.net.id
Royal Belgian Embassy
Deutsche Bank Building, 16th floor
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 316-2030 Fax (62-21) 316-2035
E-mail ambeljkt@rad.net.id, jakarta@diplobel.org
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Menara Imperium, 11th floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12980
Tel. (62-21) 8370-3022 Fax (62-21) 8370-3029
E-mail bihambasada@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Menara Mulia Building, 16th floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11 Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 526-5656, 526-5658 Fax (62-21) 526-5659
E-mail brasemb@rad.net.id
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam
Wisma GKBI, Suite 1901
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28 Jakarta Pusat 10210
Tel (62-21) 574-1437, 574-1468 Fax (62-21) 574-1463
Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 34-36 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 390-4048 Fax (62-21) 315-1433
Royal Embassy of Cambodia
Panin Bank Plaza, 4th floor
Jl. Palmerah Utara No. 52 Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480
Tel (62-21) 548-3643, 548-3716 Fax (62-21) 548-3684
Embassy of Canada
Wisma Metropolitan I, 5th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 Jakarta Pusat 12920
Tel (62-21) 525-0709 Fax (62-21) 571-2251
Web site http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/jakarta
Embassy of the Republic of Chile
Bina Mulia Building I, 7th floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 10 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-1131, 520-1132 Fax (62-21) 520-1955
E-mail echij@rad.net.id, emchijak@rad.net.id
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
Jl. Mega Kuningan 2 Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 576-1039 Fax (62-21) 576-1034
Web site http://www.chinaembassy-indonesia.or.id
Embassy of the Republic of Colombia
Plaza Sentral, 16th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47 Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 525-6446, 570-1422 Fax (62-21) 520-7717
E-mail emcolin@rad.net.id
Embassy of Croatia
Menara Mulia Building, Suite 2101
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11 Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 525-7822, 525-7611 Fax (62-21) 520-4073
E-mail croemb@rad.net.id
Web site http://www.croatemb.or.id
Embassy of Cuba
Vila Pejatan Mas Blok G No. 4
Jl. Pejaten Raya Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520
Tel (62-21) 780-6673 Fax (62-21) 750-9823
E-mail cubaindo@cbn.net.id
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Jl. Gereja Theresia No. 20 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 390-4075, 390-4077 Fax (62-21) 336-282
E-mail jakarta@embassy.mzv.cz
Web site http://www.czech-embassy.or.id
Royal Danish Embassy
Menara Rajawali, 25th Floor
Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot #5.1 Jakarta 12950
(P.O.Box 4459 Jakarta 12044)
Tel (62-21) 576-1478 Fax (62-21) 576-1535
E-mail dkemb9@cbn.net.id
Web site http://www.emb-denmark.or.id
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 68 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 314-3440, 331-141, 335-350 Fax (62-21) 314-5073, 310-8017
Delegation of the European Commission in Indonesia
Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 16th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 32 Jakarta Pusat 10220 (PO Box 6454, Jakarta)
Tel (62-21) 570-6076 Fax (62-21) 570-6075
E-mail mailto@delidn.cec.eu.int
Web site http://www.delidn.cec.eu.int
Embassy of Finland
Menara Rajawali, 9th floor
Jalan Mega Kuningan, Lot # 5.1
Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
Tel. (62-21) 576-1650 fax: (62-21) 576-1631
E-mail finemb@dnet.net.id, sanomat.jak@formin.fi
Web site http://www.finembjak.com
Embassy of France
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 20 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 314-2807 Fax (62-21) 392-9678
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Germany
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 390-1750 Fax (62-21) 390-1757
E-mail germany@rad.net.id
Web site http://www.germanembjak.or.id
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-3 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-3459, 520-3460 Fax (62-21) 520-3461
E-mail huembjkt@rad.net.id
Embassy of India
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-1 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-4150, 520-4152, 5204157 Fax (62-21) 520-4160
E-mail eoiisi@indo.net.id
Web Site http://www.eoijakarta.or.id
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto No. 110 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 331-378, 331-391, 334-637 Fax (62-21) 310-7860
E-mail irembjkt@indo.net.id
Web site http://www.iranembassy.or.id
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 38 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 390-4067, 390-4069 Fax (62-21) 390-4066
Embassy of the Republic of Italy
Jl. Diponegoro No. 45 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 337-445 Fax (62-21) 337-422
E-mail italemea@rad.net.id, italemba@rad.net.id
Web site http://www.italambjkt.or.id
Italian Trade Commission icejkt@indosat.net.id
Embassy of Japan
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 24 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 324-308 Fax (62-21) 325-460
Web Site http://www.embjapan.or.id
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Jl. Denpasar Raya Blok A-13 Kav. 01-02 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-4400, 520-4401 Fax (62-21) 520-2447
E-mail jordanem@cbn.net.id
Web Site http://www.jordanembassy.or.id
Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-5 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 521-0181 Fax (62-21) 526-0066
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 57-58 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 520-1915 Fax (62-21) 525-4159
Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Jl. Denpasar Raya Blok AXII/1 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-2477, 520-2480 Fax (62-21) 526-5886
Embassy of the Laos People’s Democratic Republic
Jl. Kintamani Raya C-15 No. 33 Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-2673, 522-9602 Fax (62-21) 522-5601
Embassy of Libya
Jl. Pekalongan No. 24 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 335-308 Fax (62-21) 335-726
Embassy of Malaysia
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-6 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 522-4947 Fax (62-21) 522-4974
E-mail kbmjkt@indosat.net.id, mwjkarta@indosat.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of Marshall Islands
Jl. Brawijaya Raya No. 17 Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 724-8564, 724-8565 Fax (62-21) 724-8566
E-mail: marshall@idola.net.id
Embassy of Mexico
Menara Mulia Building, Suite 2360
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11 Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 520-3980 Fax (62-21) 520-3978
E-mail embmexic@rad.net.id
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Kuningan Plaza South Tower, Suite 512
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C11-14 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tel (62-21) 520-0773, 520-0956 Fax (62-21) 520-0586
E-mail sifamajakar@cbn.net.id
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 109 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 314-0440, 327-684 Fax (62-21) 327-204
E-mail myanmar@cbn.net.id
Royal Netherlands Embassy
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-1515 Fax (62-21) 570-0734
E-mail nlgovjak@attglobal.net
Website http://www.neth-embassy-jakarta.org
New Zealand Embassy
Gedung BRI II, 23rd floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 44-46 Jakarta Pusat 10210
Tel (62-21) 570-9460 Fax (62-21) 570-9457
E-mail nzembjak@cbn.net.id
Travel Advisories http://www.mfat.govt.nz/travel/reports.shtml
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Jl. Taman Patra XIV No. 11A Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 526-0922, 526-0923 Fax (62-21) 526-0924
Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway
Menara Rajawali Building, 25th floor
Kawasan Mega Kuningan Lot 5.1 Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel. (62-21) 576-1523, 576-1524 Fax (62-21) 576-1537
E-mail emb.jakarta@mfa.no
Web site http://www.norwayemb-indonesia.org
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 50 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 314-4011 Fax (62-21) 310-3945, 310-3947
Embassy of Palestine
Jl. Diponegoro No. 59 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 314-5444, 323-521, 310-6546 Fax (62-21) 310-8011
Embassy of Papua New Guinea
Panin Bank Centre, 6th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta 10270
Tel (62-21) 725-1218 Fax (62-21) 720-1012
Embassy of Peru
Bina Mulia Building II, 3rd Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 11 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-1866, 520-1176 Fax (62-21) 520-1932
E-mail embaperu@indo.net.id, embaperu@cbn.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6-8 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 310-0206, 315-5118 Fax (62-21) 315-1167
E-mail phjkt@indo.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Jl. Diponegoro No. 65 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 314-0509 Fax (62-21) 327-343
Embassy of the State of Qatar
Jl. Taman Ubud I No. 5, Kuningan Timur Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 527-7751, 527-7752 Fax (62-21) 527-7754
E-mail qataremj@rad.net.id
Embassy of Romania
Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 42A Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 310-6240, 310-6241 Fax (62-21) 390-7759
E-mail ambromin@indosat.net.id
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. 7 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 522-2912, 522-2914 Fax (62-21) 522-2916
E-mail rusembjkt@dnet.net.id
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Jl. M.T. Haryono No. 27 Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13630
Tel (62-21) 801-1533, 801-1536 Fax (62-21) 801-1527
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-4 No. 2 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-1489 Fax (62-21) 520-2320
E-mail denpasar@pacific.net.id
Website http://www4.gov.sg/mfa/jkt
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin SH No. 29 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 310-1068, 315-1429 Fax (62-21) 310-1180
E-mail slovemby@indo.net.id
Embassy of South Africa
Wisma GKBI, Suite 705
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28 Jakarta Pusat 10210
Tel (62-21) 574-0660 Fax (62-21) 574-0661
E-mail saembjak@centrin.net.id
Web site http://www.saembassy-jakarta.or.id
Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 61 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 335-0771, 335-940 Fax (62-21) 325-996
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Jl. Diponegoro No. 70 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10320
Tel (62-21) 314-1018, 316-1886, 315-1686 Fax (62-21) 310-7962
E-mail lankaemb@vision.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan
Wisma Bank Dharmala, 7th floor, Suite 1
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28 Jakarta Selatan 12920
Tel (62-21) 521-2075 Fax (62-21) 521-2077
E-mail sudanjak@indosat.net.id
Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden
Menara Rajawali, 9th Floor
Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot #5.1
Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
(PO Box 2824, Jakarta 10001)
Tel (62-21) 576-2690 Fax (62-21) 576-2691
E-mail sweden@cbn.net.id
Web site http://www.swedemb-jakarta.com
Embassy of Switzerland
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X3-2 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-6061, 520-7451 Fax (62-21) 520-2289
E-mail Vertretung@jak.rep.admin, chswiemjak@rad.net.id
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
Jl. Karang Asem I No. 8 Kuningan Raya, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-5991, 520-4117, 520-1641 Fax (62-21) 520-2511
Royal Thai Embassy
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 74 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 390-4052 Fax (62-21) 390-4055
E-mail thaijkt@indo.net.id
Embasssy of the Republic of Tunisia
Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 11th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 32 Jakarta Pusat 10220
Tel (62-21) 570-3432, 570-4220, 570-3492 Fax (62-21) 570-0016
E-mail embtun@uninet.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 525-6250, 526-4143 Fax (62-21) 522-6056
Embassy of Ukraine
Jl. Terogong Kecil Blok C/39 Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310
Tel. (62-21) 7590-8647 Fax (62-21) 769-5066
E-mail uaembas@rad.net.id
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 16-17 Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel (62-21) 520-6518, 520-6552 Fax (62-21) 520-6526
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy (UK)
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 75 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 315-6264 (embassy switchboard)
390-7484 (consulate switchboard)
Fax (62-21) 315-4061 (commercial section)
390-7493 (management section)
316-0858 (consular section)
E-mail britem2@ibm.net.id
Web Site http://www.britain-in-indonesia.or.id
Embassy of the United States of America
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel (62-21) 3435-9000 Fax (62-21) 386-2259
E-mail jakconsul@state.gov (consular section)
Web Site http://www.usembassyjakarta.org
U.S. Commercial Center in Indonesia http://www.jakarta.uscc.org
Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 18 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel (62-21) 384-1142, 381-0736 Fax (62-21) 384-1143
Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela
Menara Mulia, Suite 2005
Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan 12930
Tel (62-21) 522-7547 Fax (62-21) 522-7549
E-mail evenjak@cbn.net.id, evenjakt@indo.net.id
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 25 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 310-0357, 310-0359 Fax (62-21) 314-9615
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen
Jl. Yusuf Adiwinata No. 29 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 390-4074, 310-8035, 310-8029 Fax (62-21) 314-4946
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto No. 109 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 314-3560 Fax (62-21) 314-3613
E-mail ambajaka@rad.net.id
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