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We produce and sell Lurik, Craft of Lurik, Ikat and other crafts
Welcome to blog of lurik-pedan. Here we provide a variety of Pedan's weaving products, already well known throughout the archipelago and worlwide. In addition to producing fabrics with traditional motifs, we also produce ethnic motifs from different areas but we still maintain the Pedan typical. weaving centers in the Pedan Village, about 10 kilometers from the city of Klaten. District of Klaten make Pedan as places to fabrics dan fashion tour.
Bermimpilah besar karena Rajamu besar...Anak Kerajaan tidak takut dengan kata orang, tetapi melekatkan hatinya pada Sang Raja...Bukan engkau yang hebat, tetapi Rajamu yang hebat
Kami melayani pembuatan Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (ATBM/Traditional Loom) untuk keperluan pengrajin, pelatihan, pameran, instansi dll.
We serve the manufacture of Traditional Loom machinery for craftsmen, training, exhibitions,institutions,etc.

Bogor Botanical Gardens History
Location: Bogor, West Java

In 1811, when the Napoleonic wars in Europe, Indonesia at that time called the Dutch East Indies or Nederlandsch Indie, taken by England from Napoleon's fall Belanda.ketika power (1815/1816) the leaders of European countries to make agreements, among others, about the division of territory . In the year 1816 Indonesia English menggembalikan power into the hands of the Dutch. Wars that occurred in Europe led to the Netherlands experienced a decline, the Royal Dutch develop science, because they are straight year and the Dutch prime marked among other things with science. To this dikirimlah C.Th.Elout, AA Boykens and GAGP Baron Van der Capellen, to Indonesia and Dr. Carl Casper Reinwardt Goerge as advisors.

Direction for tourists

you may find this kind of signage of directions inside bogor botanical garden.

After the rain has gone

the leaves of pine tree just right after the rain has gone

Purple orchid

From the collections of orchid house of Bogor Botanical Garden

tropical tree

one out of more than 15,000 species of trees can be found in bogor botanical garden.


this old ficus (beringin in bahasa)

closer looks..


my other friend

in the garden.. and she has metallic skin!

after the rain

just found them in the garden


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