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We produce and sell Lurik, Craft of Lurik, Ikat and other crafts
Welcome to blog of lurik-pedan. Here we provide a variety of Pedan's weaving products, already well known throughout the archipelago and worlwide. In addition to producing fabrics with traditional motifs, we also produce ethnic motifs from different areas but we still maintain the Pedan typical. weaving centers in the Pedan Village, about 10 kilometers from the city of Klaten. District of Klaten make Pedan as places to fabrics dan fashion tour.
Bermimpilah besar karena Rajamu besar...Anak Kerajaan tidak takut dengan kata orang, tetapi melekatkan hatinya pada Sang Raja...Bukan engkau yang hebat, tetapi Rajamu yang hebat
Kami melayani pembuatan Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (ATBM/Traditional Loom) untuk keperluan pengrajin, pelatihan, pameran, instansi dll.
We serve the manufacture of Traditional Loom machinery for craftsmen, training, exhibitions,institutions,etc.


     Woven Lurik PEDAN is perhaps typical of one of the many works of the inherited tradition still trying to exist until now. It presence gives the wealth of cultural diversity nuances Archipelago. Through the process of which is still very traditional, using manual wooden loom, must now faced with the technological advances loom machine, which is of course more practical, rapid, and massive. Woven Lurik PEDAN also becoming marginalized.
     But apparently the company owned by Mr. Rachmad loom which is still managed from the start-up of about 60 years-it's not going to break the chains of production, which consistently rely on values grounded in tradition and local wisdom.
     In the midst of obstacles that melikupinya, managers hope the companies can continue to be developed by the child-grandchildren later in life. And a creative process, both in the diversity of designs, colors, and how the sales started to be developed, without having to change the means of production.


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